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    • #14224

      Hi everyone my first post so hope this works!

      Today is day five post op after having a gastric band and I just feel well abit deflated. I knew it was going to be difficult but just didn’t realise how bad. I’ve got a million questions to ask or maybe just need so reassurance.  Day one post op I felt great and thought yeah I can do this km gona be ok. Day 2 I thought I was going to die ha! No honestly I thought this is it I’m having a heart attack, the wind pain is excruciating. It got so bad it made me sick 3 times on day 2. Day 3 came I woke up feeling great late afternoon similar thing it almost starts in my tummy grumbly tummy ache. I feel it  between my shoulder blades into the left side of my neck and my God it hurts. It gets so bad I start to heave then vomit. When I’m sick nothing comes up just saliva and belching ( sorry I know this is probs too mu h details). Then it settles and I just feel sore around my wound site. This has carried on day 4 and 5. I’m hoping this Is normal and will begin to pass soon? I’m not managing to get a great deal in I keep sipping at my water I’m managing maybe around 200mls of soup too. Anything milk based makes me want to be sick. I can actually drink the fluids and it stays down it’s just I have this constant kind of dull sticky feeling. My next problem I know I’m sorry I’m really moaning now! I haven’t had a poop for 7 days now. I’m taking regular liquid senna which makes me feel sick. I’m taking windeeze. I havent taken any pain killers as again they are making me heave 🙁 I’m being as active as I can having a little walk with the dogs. Up getting kids ready for school washing etc. I’m just worrying is this being sick going to make my band move? Will it settle in a few more days? Am I just being really mad and need to toughen up !

      Sorry for the long winded (no pun intended) waffle


    • #14232
      Team BandBoozled

      Hi There

      Sounds like you’re having a bit of a rough time to say the least, and it seems like most of the symptoms that can happen following surgery you seem to be getting to some degree…!!  poor you.  Ok it sounds like you have trapped wind for sure, and this is giving you the pain in the shoulders and neck, and can really make you feel sickly if wedged under the diaphragm too.  The heaving could be down to the swelling around the top of the band and may be further irritated by the bout of vomiting too unfortunately.  The port area can be very tender and painful for a few weeks so this is quite normal, again the vomiting and wrenching won’t help because as you do this the stomach contracts and this is where your port is positioned as can cause further irritation on top of the post op pain.

      Its great that your keeping yourself up and mobile, this will really help.  Its so important to get plenty of fluids/water in to keep hydrated – this will help with your bowels too, remember to sip – or use a small teaspoon and allow 20 seconds between spoons.   You could try sucking on some ice to see does this help with the internal inflammation.  I would say sleep upright too for the next few days too.  Just incase you start getting any nocturnal (night) reflux as you life flat.

      Do you know if you have any fluid already in your band..??  some surgeons prime at surgery, some don’t..??

      You really want to be avoiding regurgitation at any stage, more so at the start of your journey.  So if things don’t settle soon seek guidance from your provider – if you have fluid in your band you could get this removed to allow everything to settle and heal.

      Keep us updated – and do try to keep calm, sometimes getting worked up can make your band tighten too

      Try some gripe water and peppermint tea is good too – good luck with things and hopefully everything will settle down very soon for you xx

    • #14240

      Thank you for your reply. I’ve had a good cry and currently propped up with pillows.  I think if theres no change tomorrow I’m going to ring and speak to someone just worrying that this vomiting each day is going to move or damage the band. The band was left empty. Just feeling very sorry for myself tonight, finally plucking up the courage to have the procedure and now it’s not going to plan! I’m not normally a mardy kind of person so I’m annoying myself !

      Well tomorrows a new day so will see how things are after a good sleep.


    • #14241
      Team BandBoozled

      Definitely tomorrow is a new day, these symptoms can just turn around as quick at they come so everything crossed for a better tomorrow.  Get over this and you’ll be away, I’m sure post op blues aint helping either, so good for you being all positive when your feeling not so great.  I love that you say you’re annoying yourself haha

      Sleep well and catch up tomorrow for a little update 😘

      and for sure if tomorrow is no better get onto your provider xx

    • #14243
      Team BandBoozled

      Hi Flowers123

      How are you feeling today..???  Are the symptoms settling any..?? xx

    • #14244


      I feel ok at the min. I’m currently sipping at my water had about half a yoghurt about an hour ago and I feel fine. I’ve had a little walk with the dogs. This is the really rubbish bit I feel good in a morning but come afternoon it gets me. Think I’m going to get some gripe water in before It starts to grumble and as much as i dont like it keep having some peppermint teas !


    • #14246

      Hi Flowers 123

      so sorry to hear that you’re struggling with you’re band. I’ve also experienced the slimy belching vomit, not nice.

      Firstly the wind, arm yourself with wind eze, gripe water and gaviscon. I took loads! Also sip peppermint tea, it does settle the digestive system.

      Second, pain, get some soluble co codomol I get this on prescription but Solphodine Max can be bought over the counter.

      Finally, constipation, I’ve been a life long sufferer and have IBS, I take Movicol or Laxido on prescription however if I run out, I take lactulose which you can buy over the counter. It softens your stools and helps to move your bowels.

      In terms of sick, I was advised to drink warm drinks and soups which softens the band and helps to pass through easier and it works.

      Hope you feel better soon x

    • #14269

      Thank you so much for your replies. Yesterday was a much better day. Didn’t vomit once woop! I did have terrible wind pains when I got in bed last night but it passed after about 20mins. Its day 7 today and feeling so much more positive.

      Thanks again ladies xx

    • #14270
      Team BandBoozled

      Hi there. So glad you are starting to feel better. Sounds like you have turned a corner 😃 soon the wind pain will go too and you will be back to feeling normal xx

    • #14277
      ammi b xx

      awww xx bless you hon x I have nothing to add to the advice already given, just sending a hug n some sisterly bandster solidarity xxx Some people breeze thro the immediate post surgery time, others have a rough time of it xx But im 16 years banded and can reassure you that all this horrid stuff will ease xx Even without fill in your band its s till a shock to yr body xx any surgery is. Just try n stay calm n kind to yrself – its demoralising, being so excited pre op then feeling so crappy afterwards …. but it honestly will all pass and another 5 days on from today you will feel so much better so keep in touch on here n here s a hug to help you though xxx ((( )))

    • #14279

      Well today is day 8 and I feel great. Too much info but I’ve been to the toilet the wind pains settling 😊 Probably the wrong thread for these questions but how soon did you start exercising. I’ve been fairly active since the op doing a little walk with the dogs and usual mum life. Just wondering when I can start upping it abit. Firstly when get I get back to riding my horse? And when can I sign up for the gym? Nothing to strenuous ie heavy weights straight away thinking some aerobic style classes. Dont want to push too hard too soon but I’m keen to get starting once I can xx

    • #14282
      Team BandBoozled

      That’s fantastic!!!!

      Mad a general guide we say take it easy for the first 2 weeks then a gradual return to activity  nothing too strenuous for 6 weeks That’s provides everything is healing ok and you feel fine too   Just take it slow and listen to your body x


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