
WLS Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

If you are thinking about Bariatric Surgery there are a lot of things to think about. The type of surgery you want, the cost, who would do the surgery and the longer term implications of living and eating after the surgery.
The term bariatric Surgery refers to surgery for weight loss and there are many different types available:

  • Gastric Bypass: This operation works by making your stomach smaller and bypassing part of your intestines. This means that you can only eat small portions and absorb fewer calories from the food you do eat. This is a permanent solution to weight loss
  • Gastric Sleeve: This is where part of the stomach is removed making it much smaller than it was before. This means you eat less than before and feel satisfied on smaller portions. This is a permanent weight loss solution
  • Gastric Balloon: This is where a balloon is passed down your throat and inflated in the stomach. This leaves less room for food in your stomach so you will eat smaller portions. This is only a temporary solution to weight loss though as the balloon can only stay in place for a limited time
  • Gastric Band: A silicon band is placed around the top of your stomach and can help you reduce your portion sizes and prevent you feeling hungry. If looked after properly the Band can stay in place long term however it is a reversible procedure if you change your mind and want the Band removed
    BandBoozled is a specialist site which concentrates solely on patients who are thinking about having a Band or who have had a Band already

Weight Loss Surgery is a tool to help you lose weight and keep it off – however it still requires work on your behalf in terms of healthy eating and exercise. The more effort you put in post op the better your results will be. BandBoozled can give you all the help and support you need to enable you make the most following your surgery.

BandBoozled LTD is registered in England and Wales under number 10769332 with its registered office: 10 Eden avenue, ST HELENS, MERSEYSIDE, WA11 8HT.

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