Home Forums Bandboozled Cafe Emotions…. Emotions indeed…

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    • #16735

      Hey all, Ive been pretty quiet i know.

      I have always been open about my life what im doing and showing you what ive ate that day ect… but guys i totaly hit brick wall and just needed to stop.

      I carried on exercising but stopped prepping and because i didnt prep my waist has gotten bigger not on scales just not as lean hence no pics im sorry james..

      I assessed my band and i do need a little fill but i just feel a bit rubbish at the moment.

      Ive pulled a muscle in my back in work and had to take this week off and on some hefty pain killers,.

      not only that yes there is more…. ive never had this happen so do not judge…this week ive had 5 panic attacks. Ive never had them before and it has totally flawed me. Ive been drained and tired and i just have thrown everything out the window.

      I havnt wanted to go into placement or work,do assignments go the gym or prep  im not depressed at all even though it may sound that way, im just a little off track.

      See, as you’ve all guessed i love new things, nice shiny new things and trying new things. Im not good with repetition especially when it comes to food ,life ect… and so… i find my self questioning  eveything i do and looking for new ways or things to do, hence me now.

      I love reflecting thats why i post alot to allow me to go back and see how i tackled things and learn from that, but right now im just not feeling myself.

      Im constantly getting under the weather and having colds and dark mornings are totally not my thing. I’m completely riddled with utter guilt that my kids my little gorgeous babies are up at 6am in school and nursrey 8 till 6 everyday getting home for 6.45pm tea sbath story and bed and try to make it up to them on a weekend.

      Where im working has no fridge or microwave for my food and nowhere for me to sit and eat my food so i have to like eat in the community part of the hospital which is not a very pleasant experience on a nice day, and so i need some inspiration right now…. any one wanna help? 🥰

      I love to talk about what im doing so it gives me focus and im just not stimulated by anything right now.

      You know i mean what im saying when i tell you all i havnt even been to the christmas markets yet…. like who am i right now….

      Im sorry if anyone has posted and i havnt responded im just wollowing in self pitty haha.

      How are you all? Ive missed you.

      Laura xxx

    • #16773

      Reading over this im s ok embarrassed 🙈

    • #16774
      Team BandBoozled

      Hey Laura, so sorry to of missed this post yesterday at your time of need…

      Like we have said before you have so much on at the moment I bet you don’t even know if you’re coming or going.  Hopefully your Uni shuts down over the Christmas and you have a little break with your lovely girls and hubby and fully recharge your batteries.  Bet you feel like your being pulled in so many directions at the moment.  I know how important everything is too you so its hard to even prioritise things to try and rationale your busy days.

      Is it halfway through your nursing you are now..??  Listen I know your babies are small, but I’m sure they are so so proud of their mummy and won’t hold anything against you… just muscle through these next few years and you’ll be sorted in a career you love and life will get easier and these tough years will be a distant memory.

      Life, things do get overwhelming… have you spoke to your GP about your panic attacks..?? maybe that could be a good start or even in the Uni they will have some support systems in place, maybe get some support from them too

      We’ve missed you too,  out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind…. we are all spurring you on you know that

      Hope things get easier for you soon, make sure you are taking your multivits too,  maybe some bloods with your GP to make sure there is no underlining deficiencies accounting to you being run down quite a bit recently

      Big Hugs xx

    • #16775

      Hi Laura,  You are doing amazing things and doing so many of them, don’t lose sight of that!

      For my last course I found it hard studying and working with my two grown up and away from home! When they were small I worried about working and leaving them but recently my daughter told me she thought I had set them a great example by working as well as being mummy (although at the time I didn’t think I was doing either particularly well!)  You are just having a tough patch but you can do this!

      Vitamins are important as said above.  At this time of year many of us are becoming low in Vitamin D and low levels can cause poor immunity and all sorts of things.  My GP said not to bother with testing, just to take it as most people are deficient and you’d have to take a huge amount to get too much, plus we are likely to take in less as we are eating less.  I get the ones from Costco as they are small to swallow, high strength and cheap!

    • #16788
      Team BandBoozled

      Thanks Polly, who doesn’t love a little bulk buy Costco bargain haha

      Life really is just one big juggling act these days thats for sure xx


    • #16932

      Thankyou so much guy. Means the worldnto me all the support from you xxx

    • #16965

      HI Laura

      Its such a busy time in general and I think most people are struggling with motivation as there is so many other things to be thinking about that its hard to put yourself first.  I know it is a few weeks off but I have so much on each weekend now till Christmas.  I am just going to enjoy the next few weeks without trying to feel guilty, what else can you do really, Christmas should be fun and that might mean a few extra calories along the way.   Please don’t feel bad you are only human and hope your back is better! xxxxxxx

    • #16970
      Team BandBoozled

      It is a tricky time Kim and Laura. Even if you just try and maintain your weight for now rather than lose. That starts the NY off in a better place 😃

    • #17044

      That’s what I’m going to do. Aim to stay the same now and really go for it in Jan hopefully my fill will help then cx

    • #17045
      Team BandBoozled

      Hey if you can maintain over Christmas that is still great progress…  Can you think of the last Christmas holiday when that happened..??  Makes you think..🤔    Then come Jan get your fill and get back on it…  I think thats pretty much applicable to most people right now haha xx

    • #17074
      James PT

      Hey Laura,

      sorry that I missed this, like we spoke about over the past weeks the key is remove the pressure from yourself. There are 52 weeks in a year so plenty of time to go after any goals you have.

      right now you have to put yourself and your health first, the gym will always be there when you are ready to return. For now however it will only ever be another stress and demand on your time.

      if you do want to do something then I would suggest walking you can turn it into a family walk so you can get your steps in but more importantly get time to enjoy just being with your family. It will boost health, reduce stress and help your immune system.


      with food if you feel you want to prep why not get your children to join in with you, you get to spend time with them and teach them about cooking. If prepping is adding too much time stress to you life then focus on the habits, drink water, get sleep, nutrient dense foods and protein where possible (Please always consult the team if you are unsure about what works with the band)


      you have done so well these last few months and I think you should actually take time to appreciate what you have achieved.


      well done!




      sorry for the essay

    • #17075
      Team BandBoozled

      Thanks James. Great advice 😃

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