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Self Care by Mamuna Arshad – Aesthetic & Lifestyle Specialist

With a large proportion of the population being subjected to lockdown controls in the past year or so, and with even more of us opting to operate from home or not now that our lives are a little less limited, thanks to the recent lifting of restrictions; it's fair to assume that staying in is the new going out. Our usual daily activities have been put on hold, especially with such large-scale pandemic disruptions that have been forced upon us and their profound impact on our mental and physical health.

We may be aware that we ought to take care of ourselves; but we fail to do so, due to the demands and pressures of life in general. Self-care is something we should be mindful of and actively plan for. In essence, self-care is finding the time to pay attention to yourself, it can be little practices, rituals or actions that you can introduce into your everyday routine without taking up too much time. Self-care is approached differently by all. The important thing is to maintain a healthy balance of activities.

Making a long-term transition, whether it's adopting a healthy lifestyle, increasing your daily steps, fulfilling your ambitions, or improving your relationships requires a long-term willingness to strive to do better and improve on our own self-care. What's the best way to get started? By taking small steps; of course!

You'll quickly notice that even one little adjustment in your day, can make you feel instantly happier, healthier, and more prepared for anything come what may. Small life improvements that will make you feel less stressed, more fulfilled, and more energised to achieve your goals are among the best self-care ideas to adopt.

Whatever your personal circumstances may be, I hope there is something useful for everyone reading this blog. The following suggestions are small self-care exercises that can be done in a short amount of time.
Take the Time – Did you know? Your brain eliminates toxins, consolidates memories as you sleep. So get a good night sleep; which, yes, means you can snooze your way through self-care.

Don’t forget to focus on your breathing… You'll find that your breathing becomes rapid when you're agitated, panicked, or sad. Taking a few deep breaths and pay attention to how easily you recover after pausing for them. Make an attempt to find a quieter spot to rest and think. Meditation is a wonderful way to unwind, give it a go!

The Great Outdoors - While you're at it, blow off the cobwebs and get a change of scenery. Per day, move for at least 30 minutes. It's easy to forget the value of doing some exercise, but a fast jog around the park will do wonders for your mood. This may appear self-evident but getting enough physical exercise is extremely beneficial to your mental health. in addition to the endorphins, you'll feel afterwards, exercise can improve your endurance and help you shake off the effects of lethargy by increasing your health's vitality.

Learn to relax - We all unwind in various ways, so if your usual coping mechanisms aren't working right now, it's time to rethink your approach. There are a variety of ways to unwind without leaving the house; some people like to take a hot bath filled with bath bombs, read a bestseller, bake a cake, or engage in a hobby such as crafting.

Eat and drink well - In times of confusion and discord, it's easy to fall into a pit of comfort food to fill a hollow void. Kick the bad habits and adopt healthier life choices, a more nutritious diet should be enjoyed on a regular basis. Speak to your Dietician for a healthy eating plan.
Always look on the bright side. Choosing to look on the bright side can sound cliched and impossible, but fresh and lighter moments are almost always there, and they are always worth finding. Our desire to see the larger picture through positivity, hope, and respect for others is crucial to our progress.
With a little bit of attention and focus to your own self-care. You'll get a better sense of self-awareness of the world around you. Small pleasures will thrill you, and nothing will feel as daunting as it once did.

Article by Mamuna Arshad - Aesthetic & Lifestyle Specialist
The Busy Girl’s Guide to Aesthetics

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